Dr. P. Chris Fragile
I have a broad interest in computational astrophysics, particularly numerical simulations of hydrodynamic, magnetohydrodynamic (MHD), and radiation MHD effects in astrophysics. Currently, my primary interest is in developing and utilizing codes to study black hole accretion and the feedback of black holes on their environments through jets. This research may be applicable to quasars, active galactic nuclei (AGN), X-ray binaries, core-collapse supernovas, and gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), all of which contain jet-like features and are likely powered by accreting black holes.
See an excellent introductory lesson to black hole accretion, by my student Austin Purtell.
See my Research Page for more details.
First-Year Seminar 130 - Physics in Film |
Astronomy 129 - Introductory Astronomy I |
Astronomy 129L - Astronomy I Lab |
Astronomy 130 - Introductory Astronomy II |
Astronomy 130L - Astronomy II Lab |
Astronomy 311 - Stellar Astronomy & Astrophysics |
Astronomy 312 - Galactic & Extragalactic Astronomy |
Physics 412 - General Relativity |
Physics 415 - Fluid Dynamics |
See my Teaching Page for previous courses taught.
updated: 23 January 2022